Effectors of Immunity

Welcome to the Gaudet Lab!

We employ genetic screens, multiomics analysis, and basic cellular biochemistry to understand the mechanisms that neutralize pathogens in cells, tissues and organs.

We are seeking creative and energetic trainees as the founding members of our team!

Our Research

- Strength in Numbers -

Non-immune cells greatly outnumber professional immune cells in the human body, providing pathogens with plenty of shelter to take refuge. How does the immune system protect this huge surface area? Secreted immune molecules like interferon conscript tissue cells (epithelia, fibroblasts, and endothelia) into this battle by endowing them with transient antimicrobial effector functions to combat pathogen infiltrations in a cell-intrinsic manner; amplifying the activation of a small number of lymphocytes into an organ-wide response.

Our lab seeks to understand the inducible effector genes within tissue cells that execute these responses, define the mechanisms by which they neutralize pathogens, and establish their physiological significance to human disease.

About Us

Our group is part of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, in the Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons at Columbia University Irving Medical Center.

We are also a proud member of the Human Tissue Immunity and Disease Initiative, launched in 2021.