Our Team


Ryan Gaudet, Ph.D

Ryan received his B.Sc in Biology at the University of Prince Edward Island (UPEI), MSc from the University of Manitoba in Medical Microbiology, and PhD from the University of Toronto in Molecular Genetics. His postdoctoral studies were conducted in the lab of John MacMicking, a Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) investigator at Yale University, Department of Immunobiology and of Microbial Pathogenesis. He studied the mechanisms of cell-intrinsic immunity to intracellular bacterial pathogens like Salmonella and Shigella.

As a new lab, we are actively recruiting founding team members at all levels of training. This group will lay the foundation for the culture, training, and scientific interests of the lab going forward.

Email: rg3477@cumc.columbia.edu to inquire

Brianna Vizcaino

Brianna received her Bachelors in Criminology at the University of Pennsylvania and completed her Post-Baccalaureate in Pre-medicine studies at New York University. Originating from the Upper West Side, she currently serves as the lab technician for the Gaudet lab

Dominic Ritacco

Graduate Student

Dominic received his B.S in Biochemistry and Chinese from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He has previously conducted research in the Moormann lab at the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, as well as in the Cantor lab at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Dominic is particularly interested in host-pathogen interactions and the effector mechanisms underlying innate immunity

Hamna Shahnawaz

Graduate Student

Hamna received her B.A. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from Bryn Mawr College. She previously conducted research in the Drew Weissman lab at the University of Pennsylvania. Within the Gaudet lab, Hamna is interested in understanding tissue-specific immunity. Her research focuses on how interferons orchestrate the spatial organization of interferon-stimulated genes in structural cells. Hamna is passionate about leveraging computational methods to dissect tissue-specific immunity, aiming to shed light on the sophisticated mechanisms of the immune response at the cellular level.